Celebrating Architecture Slideshow - 2023


 May 10, 2014

UPDATED! Notice regarding Fire Plan Review performed under Sections 18 and 19 of the Fire Prevention Act

June 11 2014 NB FIRE PREVENTION ACT For clarification of the recent notice from Technical Inspection Services regarding submissions under the Fire Prevention Act, please note that Michael Mallery will be reviewing sprinkler system shop drawing submissions. Kimberly [...]

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 March 24, 2014

Geodetic Vertical Datum of 2013

March 4 2014 - Geodetic Vertical Datum of 2013 Implementation - NB The Geodetic Services Division (GSD) of Natural Resources Canada released a new vertical reference system for Canada in November 2013 known as the "Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum of 2013" (CGVD2013). This new datum will supersede the Canadian Geodetic [...]

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 January 20, 2014

Implementation of New Canada/US Mutual Recognition Agreement – January 1, 2014

January 20 2014 The members of CALA are pleased to confirm that the new Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between Canada and the United States will take effect on January 1, 2014. As of this date, 29 US Member Boards of the National Council of [...]

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 September 13, 2010

2010 NBC and 2010 NFC now in use!

Please be advised that Regulation 82-20 of the Fire Prevention Act was changed on December 1st, 2011 to accept the 2010 National Building Code (with the exception of Parts 2 and 7 of Division B of Volume 2) and the 2010 National Fire Code. Please be advised [...]

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 April 24, 2009

ADI Wins Provincial Award for Sustainable Design

MONCTON, NB Hollis Cole, CEO of ADI Group Inc., was all smiles last night as he accepted the Award for Sustainability from the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies – New Brunswick at their annual showcase awards in Moncton. “ADI is a leader in Sustainable Design and it is [...]

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 June 27, 2008

Architecture Matters – a speech by the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick

Speech by the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Honorary FRAIC Alexander Rankin, Chairman of the College of Fellows, Kiyoshi Matzuzaki, President of the Institute, Malcolm Boyd, President of the New Brunswick Association, distinguished guests, guest speakers, friends in architecture, chers amis en architecture, I am [...]

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